发布信息:布里斯班房屋出租 | 住宿 | 发布信息:布里斯班工作机会 | 招聘 | 发布信息:布里斯班二手市场 | 交易 | 发布信息:布里斯班个人广告 | 服务 |
恶意灌水,重复发帖,学分将被清空! | 那些帖子属于刷分贴会被扣分 ? | 新问题开新帖提问,标题中描述关键问题 | 格里菲斯大学中国留学生论坛版主招募 |
Dear Partner and Students,
While not diminishing the seriousness of the impact to some of the Queensland community, QIBT wishes to advice all our education agents that:
· QIBT re-opened on Monday January 17
· Students and Lecturers are back to normal classes.
· QIBT is not situated in an area which has been affected by flooding;
· Most students and staff have also not been affected;
· We have put in place processes to ensure students have not been disadvantaged in their studies;
· We have retained the same semester dates and not changed any of the semester dates so air tickets already booked by some students to go home in the holiday, remain valid;
· Public transport is back to nearly 100% full capacity.
· The Brisbane airport is open for business, and at no point was closed
· All on campus accommodation remains open and has not been affected
· Most suburbs in and around Griffith University/QIBT have remained unaffected – and therefore home stay and general accommodation has not been affected
We continue to look forward to welcoming our new students for semester 1, 2011 and want to assure you, as well as the parents and friends of QIBT students – new and continuing – that while the flood was devastating for those in low lying areas and around the river, many other areas were not affected and so businesses remain open.
The generosity of volunteers in helping to clean up those affected areas is overwhelming and I am proud to say that many QIBT students and staff were amongst those offering assistance. It is this type of community spirit which brings honour to the QIBT students and its community.
Please contact QIBT if you have any questions.